Testing: tox

tox is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool you can use for:

  • checking that your package installs correctly with different Python versions and interpreters

  • running your tests in each of the environments, configuring your test tool of choice

  • acting as a frontend to Continuous Integration servers, greatly reducing boilerplate and merging CI and shell-based testing.

tox aims to automate and standardize testing in Python. It is part of a larger vision of easing the packaging, testing and release process of Python software.

For more information visit https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


$ poetry add tox --dev


Put basic information about your project and the test environments you want your project to run in into a tox.ini file.

envlist = py37, py38, pre-commit
skipsdist = true

deps = poetry
allowlist_externals = poetry
commands_pre = poetry install
commands = poetry run pytest

skip_install = true
deps = pre-commit
setenv = SKIP=install-dependencies,test
commands = pre-commit run --all-files


$ tox

Next Step

To move on to the next step commit or stash your changes then checkout to the branch deploy/docs/sphinx

$ git stash
$ git checkout deploy/docs/sphinx


$ poetry remove tox --dev