Testing: pytest-cov

pytest-cov is a pytest plugin that produces coverage reports. Compared to just using coverage run this plugin has some extra features:

  • Subprocess support: you can fork or run stuff in a subprocess and will get covered without any fuss.

  • Consistent pytest behavior. If you run coverage run -m pytest you will have slightly different sys.path (CWD will be in it, unlike when running pytest).

All features offered by the coverage package should work, either through pytest-cov’s command-line options or through coverage’s config file.

For more information visit https://pytest-cov.readthedocs.io/en/latest/readme.html


$ poetry add pytest-cov --dev


$ pytest --cov
Pytest coverage output

Terminal report with missing line numbers:

$ pytest --cov --cov-report=term-missing
Pytest coverage output with missing line numbers

Terminal report with skip covered:

$ pytest --cov --cov-report=term-missing:skip-covered
Pytest coverage output with skip covered

HTML report:

$ pytest --cov --cov-report=html
$ chromium htmlcov/index.html
HTML report of pytest coverage


You can replace pytest and coverage with pytest-cov in your dev-dependencies


Update the pytest configuration in pyproject.toml so that pytest-cov always runs when you run pytest.

testpaths = "tests"
addopts = "--cov --cov-report=term-missing"


We can see that we failed to acquire the required test coverage. Let us write some more tests. Create test_complex.py to start writing tests for the complex calculator.

import pytest

from python_lifecycle_training.calculator.complex import Calculator

class TestCalculator:
    def test_add():
        assert Calculator.add(1, 2) == 3

    def test_sub():
        assert Calculator.sub(2, 1) == 1

    def test_mul():
        assert Calculator.mul(1, 2) == 2

    def test_div():
        assert Calculator.div(2, 1) == pytest.approx(2)

Run tests

$ pytest
Complex calculator tests


To write assertions about raised exceptions, you need to use pytest.raises as a context manager.

def test_div_by_zero():
    with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError) as excinfo:
        assert Calculator.div(a, b) is None
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "division by zero"

Run tests

$ pytest
Add division by zero test


Exception handling is quite important as we don’t want them showing up in our production server. Let’s write a warning when we encounter this problem.

import warnings

import fire
from loguru import logger

import python_lifecycle_training

class Calculator:

    def div(a, b):
        logger.info(f"Dividing {a} by {b}")
        if python_lifecycle_training.ENV == "production":
                return a / b
            except ZeroDivisionError as e:
                warnings.warn(str(e), RuntimeWarning)
                return 0
            return a / b

You can check that code raises a particular warning using pytest.warns, which works similar to raises.

import python_lifecycle_training

def test_div_by_zero():
    python_lifecycle_training.ENV = "development"
    with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError) as excinfo:
        assert Calculator.div(a, b) is None
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "division by zero"

    python_lifecycle_training.ENV = "production"
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning) as record:
        assert Calculator.div(a, b) == 0
    assert str(record[0].message) == "division by zero"

Run tests

$ pytest
Test for warnings


Pytest cannot capture logs from loguru directly. So we need to propagate our logs to the built-in Python logging to test log messages using pytest.

Add the propagation handler in the project __init__.py file.

import logging

class PropagateHandler(logging.Handler):
    def emit(self, record):

logger.add(PropagateHandler(), format="{message}")

In case you don’t remember, we had written a code that logs our working environment when we make an instance of the CLI Main class of the calculator. Let us try writing log tests for it.

# tests/calculator/test_cli.py
import python_lifecycle_training
from python_lifecycle_training.calculator.cli import Main

class TestCalculatorCLI:
    def test_log(caplog):
        env = "production"
        python_lifecycle_training.ENV = env

        assert env in caplog.text

Run tests

$ pytest
Test for logs

Next Step

  1. Write tests for the broken calculator

  2. Write parameterized test for the method test_div

  3. Write parameterized test to test log for both “development” and “production” environments

To move on to the next step commit or stash your changes then checkout to the branch setup/test/tox

$ git stash
$ git checkout setup/test/tox


$ poetry remove pytest-cov --dev