
Flake8 is a Python library that wraps PyFlakes, pycodestyle and Ned Batchelder’s McCabe script. It is a great toolkit for checking your codebase against coding style (PEP8), programming errors (like “library imported but unused” and “Undefined name”) and to check cyclomatic complexity.

If you are not familiar with the term cyclomatic complexity, it is a software metric created by Thomas J. McCabe to measure the number of independent paths through the source code. Generally speaking, the higher number of ifs inside a function, the higher number of paths it will have, thus a higher cyclomatic complexity. Of course, there are other control flow operations that impact the calculus of the cyclomatic complexity. It is also referred to as McCabe complexity.

For further details visit https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/index.html


$ poetry add flake8 --dev


Create a setup.cfg file and add the following:

max-line-length = 88
max-complexity = 10
show-source = true
extend-ignore = E203, W503
per-file-ignores =
    # imported but unused
    __init__.py: F401


$ flake8 python_lifecycle tests
Flake8 output

Next Step

To move on to the next step commit or stash your changes then checkout to the branch init/format/black

$ git stash
$ git checkout init/format/black


$ poetry remove flake8 --dev